domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Bogota´s history

In Bogota we can highlight a lot for cultural features such as a lot of interesting dates and moments in Colombia, below we can see pictures and their story:

Ok, so the order is from up to down, so below are the historical events.

1. the national capitol is in the 10th street with 7 and 8 avenue, the capitol represent the meeting point of the congressmen, in its rooms are the representative chamber were shares place with the congress of the republic, in this place we can highlight that in this is were also the presidents take their position after winning the elections, were the president of the congress says the words of respect to the president.

and it was made in 1847 in the presidential period of Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, it is made in blonde stone with a lot of legacy of workers, it have 6 columns of the roman style, also is a very important monument of history not just for the period of time the building it has still in the place, but also because the monument represent how our libertadores had worked for our independence and that their sacrifice wasn’t in vain.

for me the national capitol is a very interesting place because it represents the Colombian democracy and the power of the people in the government, also i can say that this places is where you can see a lot of the real life style of the Bogotans, because we can differ this type of building from other places styles, just because the Bogotans have a unique technique of building, so that shows that the Bogotans have done a highlighted culture and costumes by just showing this building.

2. The plaza de Bolivar is a very important historical place, it is located at the 7and 8 avenue with 10 and 11 streets, it is important because in this place has been Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada. Also the killing of some comuneros at the power of José Antonio Galan and always saved the echo of the independence yell of July 20 of 1810, that later would be won by the creoles and making this great nation

here was kill Policarpa Salavarrieta, and Simon Bolivar arrived here with the victory of the battle of Boyacá, then a lot of historical places were build around it, also in this plaza you can see a lot of sculptures, not simple sculptures, this sculptures show the busts of all the presidents that had passed through the leadership of Colombia, that shows the importance of the Colombian democracy.

in this place also we can see that they are located many important monuments, this monuments are the palacio de justicia, the national capitol, the catedral primada, the libano where the mayor of Bogotá is, and in their area we can find the casa de Nariño were the president life and do his job and more at north we can find the casa de las Flores were the yell of independence was born. sanctuary of monserrate is one of the most know historical places of Bogotá, it is located at 2 east avenue, making a good view at the top of the mountain is the sanctuary of monserrate and is a place in which
you can pray , in which the colonial tradition remains, it have a statue of Jesus in which all people pray, it is at 3,200 meters below sea level.

this place is for the people who like to pray, this place contains a lot of historical events that we can show as an Spanish type building during the Spanish colonialism in America, also we can see that the people that come here has an important relationship with Catholicism, there are some rumors that people that the believers climb the stairs in their knees, some people come bleeding.

when the Christmas come to the world this place gets decorated with a lot of lights, in which we can highlight that the figures made by this lights are the crosses, saints, and Jesus, which represents how the Christians in Bogotá like this place, including that they are a majority in Bogotá, making this place a very interesting theme for visiting Bogotá.

You should visit this and other important historical places that Bogotá has for you.

Now you can see a video about Bogotá’s history about la plaza de Bolivar buildings

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