domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

neighborhoods!! santa barbara

In my trip to look up of neighborhoods I found a place where I lived before santa barbara located in the 122-125 and in back of the mall of unicentro, it is a nice choose to live, it have parks, it is near a huge mall, it is near principal streets to get a easier transportation.

In this neighborhood, are new flats also are remodeling the old ones, it is well located, and also there are parks, malls, churches, markets, stores and everything you need is in the around the corner and if you do not have car, do not worry you do not have to walk to much to found what are you looking for.

in my opinion it is a nice choose to live, i would choose it, it is nice you can found what you want, there are multiple and different stores of different things, it is a great place to life it is one of my favorite places to visit.

neighborhoods!! atabanza

In my trip to find the neighborhoods I found atabanza, located in the 122, it had a huge church and near of the street is found a "caño".

this neighborhood had a lot of flats that are together and make like a type of a tiny neighborhoods and have parks inside of them, there are some old and new flats, but flats are getting remodeling and getting better. 

In my opinion y do not like this neighborhood because at nights it is to dark and also dangerous it does not have like markets near and it does not have a mall near, if i would choose a place to life i would look up for something else.

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010



 In my trip, I found corferias, that is a place, where every 2 months, I am not sure, but shows different things, like "la feria del automovil" la feria del hogar" etc. this months the topic is cars!
is located in the av esperansa with 42.
 This time you can found a lot of cars, of any mark and also the most new, and sophisticate cars that are difficult to found out in the city, it had many space and every time the topic changes so if you do not like cars, so wait a month and you can found another thing.
 In my opinion this is a great and funny place, where you can look and found what do you want and surprise you about the things you do not know, so come and meet it, and you will see that it is nice, in my point of view is perfect.


 In my trip to found an entertaiment place I foun a great place is paintball! There is many places you can go because are many companies located in different places of the city that is great.
 But I went to one located near the Exito of colina in the Av Boyaca it is divide in two parts one huge part and one small part it is nice obviously you can rent the things that you need to play, and they have special prices.
In my opinion it is a great activity, to have fun and to be in family and friends, it is a nice place, I actually like it to much, and if I have the opportunity to go again  i should do it, i recommend this activity it is very nice.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010



ok, in my trip to seen the libraries, I had go to a small but nice library near my home, it is located in the calle 116 with 19 near at the corral, so I think that this is so nice, because you can go after seen some book go and have lunch in the corral that had nice hamburgers, but the topic is not about the corral but it is about this tiny library. 
 this library is tiny if you go to the enter gate it looks tiny but inside of this library is had more space, the book I found I think that are not for everyone that looks one book, what I mean is that they do not have diversity of topics, another thing is the opening time, if you go here you can found it many times closed as the Sundays, and the attention is nice but not perfect.

my opinion about this library is that is not the perfect one, and if I need to choose some library I will not choose this one because, the most of the time it is not open, also there are not too much topics of book and things that other libraries have, so I prefer another libraries but it is a good option for people that live near this place.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


In my trip to the libraries i visited the library that is ubicated inside of Unicentro, one of the first malls of Bogota, you can find here your book or maybe a book for present the attention of the employers is nice and i had seen that they know about their books and also they can recomened you some ones.
 If you go here you will not stop to surprise about the books and about the attention you have it, also this library is modern and many people come there to look what they are looking for, so i hope that if you go there you will have a nice day and also have a nice choose about the book you buy.
my opinion of this library is that it is perfect and one of my favorite libraries in all bogota, the attention of the employers is very nice, and i am an 97% sure that the book that you are looking for is here, also the prices are nice and if you want to present it here can give you an speciall paper to give it, i had buy some books here and i get confortable, also you can find magazines, and it is a huge place, in conlusion it is one of my best choices if i had looking for a library.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


the most important theaters in bogota are the following:
-teatro nacional
-teatro cristobal colon
- teatro colsubsidio 
-teatro astor plaza
this theater is located in the street 95#30-13
this theater is one of the most important in history of colombians theters because it was foundated by fanny mickey one of the most important actress in colombia. 
this theater is located in street 10 #5-32
this theater is the beautifull theaters in bogota because shows many different things and its paintings are so beeautifull.
this theater is located in street 26 #25-40
 this theater is important because have many different aspects for making differrent thinfs sucha s: watching movies , going to concerts, and going for theater plays.
this theater is located in the street 61#11-58
this theater is important because is maked also for many different aspects such as concerts movies or theaters plays. in this theater have been many different artists and this is an emblematic theater of bogota