domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


In the museums of Bogotá we can find a lot but we are going to recommend 3 of the museums of Bogotá, down you can see the pictures.

In the museums we are going to tell you from top to below so the orders of the museums are on the writing of them.

1.The first museum we can see is the museum of gold that is located at 16th street, in this museum we can see a collection of gold, is the best in the world, with a lot of figures of gold from the muiscas pre-Columbian tribe that lived in this place and that used the sun as a god. In been more specific we can see that there are objects of the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muiscas, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena.

In this museum the visitors are very interest and grateful for the information given by the museum which include a lot of the Colombian ancestral story and about how those cultures affected our actual civilization, also the people say that is great because the museum give papers for reading and looking for more information about this story that the museum represent.

One of the most interesting aspects is that as having the biggest collection of gold in the world a lot of person can see the different traditions that the Colombian territory had, also how the Spaniards that came to Colombia tried to destroy this traditions that is now seen in the Colombian gold museum, the greatest exposition of the pre-Columbian cultures.

2. The other 3 pictures are of the museum of the Chico, it is located at the 7th street, in this place we can see that the thing that highlight is the wall that represent a part of the hacienda de Chico, in this museum there is a collection of old period of Colombia, we can see that is a lot of paintings and art pieces that represent the periods of Colombia.

In this museum we can see the Spanish building process in Latin America, and how this presence was seen in the past Santa Fe, also we can see a lot of the Spanish culture in a museum that is inside, actually this place is seen as a meeting point in which you have to do an appointment for doing meeting, like marriages, first communions and funerals.

One of the interesting aspects for this museum is that we can see a lot of the colonial time objects, like paintings, sculptures, papers, a lot of things we can see, also the thing that is attractive in this place is the time this building has remained in the city, because the Spaniards building it very well, so nowadays it is a national architectural monument. 

3. In the last 2 pictures we can see the national museum of Colombia, it is located at the 7th street, this museum shows all the history of Colombia and Bogotá, it has objects from 10,000 B.C and has over 20.000 objects of the county, this museum was made in 1823,it represents a lot of things, such important is this museum that in 1975 was declared historical monument.

This museum is one of the most important, or maybe the most important museum in the whole country, that represents the whole Colombian territory history, form the prehistoric time to the know days historical events, so in this museum we can see the things the Colombians have, had, and maybe the things we can have, this is why the museum is great.

This museum shows the times of the Colombian people, such as the arrival of the nomads from North America and their establishment, also the colonization of the territory by the Spaniards that came from Europe to look for Asia, other things we can see are the independence and the way Colombia have raise like a country in the world. 

You should visit these places and be more interest in the history of Colombia.

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