domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Tematic parks

Salitre Magico

Salitre Magico is a tematic park ubicated in the occident of Bogota. This park was inagurated in 1973,  this park have more than 30 atractions and is the most visited park in bogota.
 Salitre Magico is the most important park of the city because it have all tipes of atraccions. Most of the people that go to this park are children whith their parents. Also Salitre Magico have the bigguest atraction  in Bogota call "la rueda".

this parck as i say before is the most important of bogota because it have the best attractions of all bogota, this parck recive all the schools during the school year. also they make discaunts for schools to be more cheapper.

i invite you to go to this park because i know you will have fun and you can have a cool time with your family or friends. and you will not regreat abaut the prices beacuse they are very economic.

Parque Simon Bolivar

Simon bolivar is the biggest and important parck of Bogota, it was inagurated in 1968, this park is conformed by 12 parks where you can make different activities like: joggyn, play every kind of sports, you can also go and have a romantic time in the "parque de los novios" where couples go and have a very special time, also there is a library call Virgilio Barco. In this park the goverment make concerts of any tipe of musical gener. One of the most important moments of this park was when the pope Juan Pablo II go to the park and kiss the land. there are all the concerts celbrated also is celbreted the race call "la media maraton de bogota".

in this park you will also find every tipe of fun. the most iportant thing that happen in this park are the concerts that are organized in the year, like hip hop al parque and jazz al parque and the concert of  La mega. you can enjoy this concerts during the whole year.

also yuo can have some fun riding in bisicle, walk in the park, make a picknik in the park or just chill. i invite you to this park because is a very nice parck were you can have fun.


Museo de los ninos:

This  is a museum in form of a city where children can learn playing and making all types of activities. childrern in this place learn abaut math, science, and spanish also they learn abut history and astronomy for kids this is  a common place where you can see small kids palying and having fun with their parents also it is ubicaded in the 53 street next to the "salitre magico"

in this parck your kids will have a lot of fun  learning and playing. the most interesting part of this parck is that you can learn too beacuse is a parck for every body adults, kids and old people.

i invite you to this parck to learn and have a good time with your family and kids i tell you taht you will learn a lot in here


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